Level 1 Bouncer / Level 10 Jerk
Hello people from Wikipedia!
I never get recognized in public! It's no fair. Tyson and Ankur get recognized. Last weekend I was hanging out with Danielle at Level and someone walks up to her and is like "Hey, you're on that Ashton Kutcher show!!" Then Danielle said, "So's he," and points to me. The person was just like "oh hey..." and continued talking to Danielle. It was a girl, too, and I assumed that most female viewers would be more interested in talking to the geeks rather than the beauties. Also, whenever we go to a club or something, the bouncer usually lets the girls in for free. Then he slams an arm across my chest and says, "The gentleman can pay!" That's when I grab the arm which he had thrust against me only moments ago and throw him through a plate glass window. At least that's what happens in my mind. I wonder why most bouncers are such jerks. I've only encountered one or two that try to reason before resorting to force. I guess it's their job to not take shit from anyone. Or maybe it's just that the bouncers at Level are jerks.
Wow, I think your adorable...And i live in chicago as well. I actually think your the hottest geek on that show and I'm your biggest fan.
<3 Maggie
p.s. i wanna play with you, game of course haha ;-)
lets share :'( Give peace a chance lol Where you from kayla Im in chicago and soon to attend loyola lol Were Stalkers haha WE <3 you woo Ill fight for him he is hot! Its his smile for me... i love it
Thanks everyone! It's nice to know everyone thinks I'm such a hot stud of a man. But I have a personality behind my ridiculous good looks! I'm not just a piece of meat! haha! I'm glad you liked my room Kayla, I thought I was going to win that challenge.
lol Yeah not just a piece of meat...I thought you should of won...The whole chocolate on the bed thing seemed alittle too much like an obese girls room lol Your room seemed more sensual and romantic with the reds...So why dont you write more about you on your blog...Lets get to know you
Oh. Em. Gee.
I <3 the level 1 bouncer/level 10 jerk comment. That kicks my ass. I loved how they had "Dungeonmaster" listed under your name on the show. It reminded me of this video:
If you haven't seen it I highly recommend watching it.
karl... bouncers gotta be like that, cause there's chaos outside the clubs and they need to keep order. people will try to sneak or push their way in if the bouncers are soft. That said, I would have broke the bouncers arm, then ripped it right out of it's socket. In my head, of course. Well, different styles for different people.
I'm still floored with the first episode when you said you passed up a Booty Call to play D&D. Please tell me you made that up to get on the show
Its been a while since I've been reminded of D&D so I was quite welcome to see D&D being "featured" on tv (I mean, lets face it, media is not interested in role paying games until.. well, until Final Fantasy came along. But FF is a bit different compared to D&D) Just tickled to see normal guys that I would talk to be on tv :P Like your level 1 Bouncer/Lever 10 Jerk title btw :)
You might want to turn on the word verification feature... sometimes auto blog spammers can get very irritating.
You are just the whole package, Karl! I'd like the write to The WB and request that they create a show staring YOU called "Beautiful Geek." It would win a ton of Emmy awards.
O and you are wayyyy better than Napoleon Dynamite, who I believe one of the girls said your resembled.
You know, he could've just been a fallen Paladin. They have the well-placed stick in common, at least. *evil grin* Chaotic neutral, all the way! w00t!
Oh, and also, just in case your ego isn't already so bloated by all the marriage proposals/date requests/etc.., I would just like to say that you are the reason that I watched this show in the first place. I don't watch reality TV, but I was walking through the living room and heard the words "I play Dungeons & Dragons," and was hooked instantly, at least for one episode. Well, I watched, it was pretty awesome, so I thank you. It was like watching my group of friends. It was one of those groups I could've fit in with immediately. So again, I thank you for unintentionally introducing me to eight people I will never meet, but want to befriend anyway. I'll be lurking around here fairly often, just in case you needed a warning to pack up and run for the hills. I'm not that bad, normally, but when I get enough caffiene... Well, you probably know the jokes I could make about Mountain Dew (hehehe, it's in the fridge, duh). Thus I leave you. Sorta. Err.... I'm not very good with endings. So byies! *waves and runs off*
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