Monday, February 06, 2006

Yay the Superbowl

Was anyone else disappointed with the commercials this year? The only good one was the one with the monkeys, and you can't go wrong with monkeys. I played squares with some friends of mine, and actually won some money because I had 0 & 1, and the final score was 10 to 21. I'm also happy because the Steelers won. I love the Bears, but since they choked, I had to go with Pittsburgh. Everyone from my college was giving me crap for rooting for them because Mike Holmgren's wife went to my college, and so did their daughters. But come on! If it was that important to Kathy Holmgren, don't you think she'd be in Detroit watching from the sidelines instead of on a Missions trip in Africa? Honestly, where are her priorities?

Oh yeah, I want to thank everyone who's been posting comments!! I'm really busy most of the time, and can't always respond to them all, but I'll try!


At 6:05 PM, Anonymous Anonymous said...

The monkey one was funny, but I really liked the Giant Robot and Female Gozilla making a baby Hummer one.

At 8:40 AM, Anonymous Anonymous said...

Did the monkey one have Wes with Lasers?


At 12:29 PM, Anonymous Anonymous said...

Hi Karl! I just wanted to say that I love you on Beauty and the Geek- its a great show! And your cute. :) K well cya

<33 ~*~Mallory~*~

At 4:40 PM, Anonymous Anonymous said...

Karl.. you are awesome on beauty and the geek :]

Stay sweet!


At 6:38 PM, Anonymous Anonymous said...


Check in on the WB Talk Forum for BATG. You've got a lot o' loyal fans there. And I swear we'll all recognize and talk to you if we meet you at Level 1!

At 10:37 AM, Blogger Karl said...

Hi guys, Wes and lasers weren't in the commercial, but it did have a monkey lighting a cigar with a $100 bill. Comic gold.

Thanks glover! Sometimes I post on there too!

At 9:19 AM, Blogger the doctor said...

aaw, come on! the macgyver commercial was the best! ;) yah for macgyver! (and things blowing up)

At 5:09 PM, Anonymous Anonymous said...

Okay, I'm sure you get this a lot, but you were absolutely, without a doubt, my second favorite guy on the show. I know, how flattering, right? No, you would have been first, but that place is reserved for Chris and that's only because I knew him in high school...that and the whole he's funny thing, but who pays attention to such mundane details anyway? What I wanted to share with you, however, is that if I met a guy who tracked lasers with monkeys...whoa, when did the dyslexia kick in? If I met a guy who tracked monkeys with lasers, I'd...something that means tracking monkeys with lasers is probably the best job I've ever heard of (except maybe video game tester of course, but I think that always goes without saying). Monkeys are pretty cool. I actually have a poster I got at UCLA (I don't go there, tss I wish) of a monkey sitting on a toilet with his/her little red pants pulled down. One of his/her hands is pulling the cord that hangs down to flush the toilet, and the other is holding a banana. It's pretty much the coolest poster I've ever seen.

OH WAIT! Has anyone ever told you that you look like Napoleon Dynamite (or as I amorously refer to him as, Nappy D)? Also, my friend, her boyfriend, and I are gonna get a game of D&D going once we get enough people. I love that your title was Dungeon Master. I've never actually played; it was apparently the one game my brother didn't need me to fill space for when we were younger. Ah the joys of being a little sister. Oh, by the way, my name is Christina (not really Anonymous, way too many people around here with that name). I have also stolen your python/zoo joke, that was choice.

Moral of the story: I'm a fan.

One more thing, I hated Cher. Seriously LOATHED her, at least in a "she's not a real person, she's just colors on a screen" kind of way. I'm sure she's really nice in person and the like, but still. Then, when I read Chris' blog and she's actually smart. What the crap is that about? Isn't there some kind of background check? Psh. Now it makes sense why she, out of all the beauties, would hook up with a "geek." My point is, I may just like her now. Isn't that absurd? Okay, I think I may be done now. Have a good one!

At 10:48 AM, Anonymous Anonymous said...

Even though the Steelers won, you gotta admit that the Seahawks would've won if those refs wouldn't have made those horrid calls

At 1:29 PM, Anonymous Anonymous said...

Dude, the FedEx commercial was great. Especially when the guy left the cave and kicked that...err... thing, then got stomped. Normally that probably wouldn't be Superbowl caliber material, but amongst the surrounding lameness that turd looked like solid gold.

At 10:26 AM, Anonymous Anonymous said...

Brittany and Joe are in the final 2! Whoooooo!!!!!! They're gonna win cause in the final challenge they have to learn about each other. Go seahawks! Those refs suck!!


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